Mariana Gómez-Schiavon, PhD
Principal Investigator @ LIIGH, UNAM, Mexico
Adjunct Investigator @ iBio, Chile
Mariana completed her B.Sc. in Genome Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), her M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering and Physics at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), her Ph.D. in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at Duke University, and her postdoctoral research at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).
Interests: Systems biology, Evolution, Gene regulatory circuits, Emergent properties, Nonlinear dynamics
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Emiliano Sánchez Escalante
Undergrad student
Emiliano has graduated from the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Cuernavaca, and is currently working on his research thesis on the behavioral signatures of homeostatic control mechanisms to obtain his degree.
Interests: Population genetics, Emergent properties, Systems biology, Homeostasis

Emmanuel Hernández Sánchez
PhD student
Emmanuel obtained his degree from the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Cuernavaca, with a research thesis on the evolutionary robustness of the circadian clock in Neurospora crassa. He has been accepted into the Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program at UNAM, starting in August 2024, to continue his research and academic training in the lab with his project titled “Systematic Comparison of Oscillators and Switches in Biological Systems in the Presence of Biochemical Noise.”
Interests: Biological systems, Evolution, Mathematical modeling, Machine learning

Athena Tamayo Luisce
Undergrad student
Athena has completed the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Cuernavaca, graduating with honors. Her research thesis was titled “CoRaDyn — An Approach to Quantify Feedback Control Considering the Response Dynamics of Biological Systems to a Step Perturbation.” She is currently working on publishing her results.
Interests: Systems biology, Complex systems, Emergent properties, Biological systems engineering, Sustainability

Diego Morales Martínez
Applying to Master program
Diego has graduated from the Biology B.Sc. program at the Autonomous University of Queretaro (UAQ). He is currently in the admission process for the Biological Sciences Master’s program at UAQ, proposing a project titled “Exploring the Relationship Between Bistable Models and Transcriptional Bursting Models,” co-advised by Dr. Roberto Álvarez (UAQ) and Dr. Mariana Gómez-Schiavon (LIIGH-UNAM).
Interests: Evolution, Systems biology, Complex systems, Biophysics

Rodrigo Aguilar Díaz
Undergrad student
Rodrigo is studying his 6th semester in the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Juriquilla, and he is working on using CoRa to optimize and design biological feedback control.
Interests: Systems biology, Ecology, Mathematical modeling, Emergent properties

Valentina Arias Ojeda
Undergrad student
Valentina is studying her 4th semester in the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Cuernavaca, and she is working on the Evolution of oscillations competition with epigenetic switches.
Interests: Applied mathematics, Systems biology, Complex systems, Human health

Paulina Victoria Rodríguez Lelis
Undergrad student
Victoria is currently in her 4th semester of the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at UNAM Campus Juriquilla, where she is conducting research in the lab on modeling the homeostasis of telomere length.
Interests: Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Evolution, Systems Biology

Bram van Haastrecht
Masters student
Bram graduated with a B.Sc. in Physics and Astrophysics from the University of Amsterdam in 2022. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at the Vrije Universiteit. As part of his master’s program, Bram is doing a joint internship in our lab and Dr. Daniela Robles’ lab (LIIGH-UNAM), where he aims to identify potential control motifs of homeostasis disruption during acral melanoma onset. Bram is also a passionate piano player.
Interests: Oncology, Systems biology, Network techniques, Artificial intelligence, Homeostasis

Sophia Orozco
In the lab: Undergrad student, Thesis Research, March 2021 – August 2022
Sophia graduated from the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Juriquilla (with honors), developing her research thesis in the lab.
Interests: Systems Biology, Emergent properties, Cancer Biology

Cristina Sotomayor
In the lab: Undergrad student, Internship, March 2021 – December 2022
Cristina did an internship in lab while studying her 2nd-5th semesters in the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Cuernavaca.
Interests: Evolution, Systems Biology, Complex Networks, Dynamical Systems, Cancer Biology

Bruno Villalobos Reveles
In the lab: Undergrad student, Internship, September 2022 – May 2023
Bruno did an internship in lab while studying his 5th-6th semester in the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Juriquilla.
Interests: Theoretical physics, Pure mathematics, and their applications to Biology

Adán Israel Espinosa de la Cruz
In the lab: Internship, January 2023 – June 2023
Adán did an internship in the lab while appling to a Master program in UNAM. He graduated from Mathematics B.Sc. program at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Interests: Systems biology, Evolution, Complex systems, Nonlinear dynamics, Epigenetics, Psychedelics

Yuan Chang-Halabi
In the lab: Undergrad student, Internship, January 2023 – July 2023
Yuan did an internship in our lab in collaboration with Dr. Luis Larrondo’s lab (PUC), while studying his 9th semester in the Biochemistry B.Sc. program at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC).
Interests: Signalling integration, Cross-talk, Structural Biology, Membrane Proteins, Complex Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Emergent properties

Ana Isabel Montejano Montelongo
In the lab: Undergrad student, Internship, July 2022 – September 2023
Isabel did an internship in lab while studying her last semesters and graduating from Biotechnology Engineering B.Sc. program at the ITESM Campus Querétaro, working on the epigenetic switching in the MITF rheostatic model in melanoma before starting her PhD in Quantitative Biology at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland).
Interests: Systems biology, Cancer biology, Genomics, Mathematical modeling

Alejandro Efraín Marín Peralta
In the lab: Undergrad student, Internship, August 2023 – October 2023
Efraín did an internship in lab while studying his 5th semester in the Genome Sciences B.Sc. program at the UNAM Campus Juriquilla, working in collaboration with Dr. Daniela Robles lab, modeling the effect of genetic fusions in melanoma.
Interests: Mathematical modeling, Systems biology, Dynamic systems, Stochastic processes, Cancer biology

Omar Vargas Hernández
In the lab: Undergrad student, Internship, August 2023 – January 2024
Omar did a research internship in the lab as part of his final semesters at the Mathematics B.Sc. program at the “Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de México”, where he analyzed the control potential in gene regulatory networks associated with cancer predisposition. Omar also holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the UNAM.
Interests: Mathematics, Modeling, Statistics, Cancer biology, Molecular biology, Genetics, Biochemistry

Manuel Eduardo Hernández García
In the lab: PhD student, Internship, August 2023 – May 2024
Manuel completed a research internship in the lab as part of his Applied Physics Ph.D. at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), analyzing the effect of extrinsic noise in gene regulatory networks. Manuel also holds an M.Sc. in Applied Physics from BUAP.